What's New at Island Trees Dollars for Scholars?
Our Island Trees Chapter is always working on behalf of local students. Check out this page for an ongoing look at fundraisers, chapter and community news and events.
What's New...
Island Trees High School has a commitment to academic excellence. The strong support of family and community are the keys to our children's success. We hope that you will contribute to our graduating seniors by making a donation to Island Trees Dollars for Scholars.
The Island Trees Scholarship Fund is a voluntary, non-profit organization
established in 1984 to provide scholarship awards to graduating seniors of Island
Trees High School who wish to pursue post-secondary educational opportunities.
Your TAX-DEDUCTIBLE contribution to Dollars for Scholars is one way for
you to invest in the future.
Seniors will be asking for your contribution through mail.
You may also contribute on this website by clicking on the donation tab.

Dollars for Scholars
would like to THANK Riko's and our community for their support of this very SUCCESSFUL fundraiser.
Island Trees Dollars for Scholars, 59 Straight Lane, Levittown, New York 11756